This is the second episode of radio program 'Indigenous Voice', which focuses on one of the existing contagious issue---'Identity'. What is meant by Identity, why identity matters for indigenous peoples? can identity become a basis for restructuring of the provinces? and so forth.
थारु, दनुवार, सन्थाललगायतका आदिवासी जनजाति समूदायमा प्रचलित प्रथाजनति संस्था मान्जन…
10 May, 201803 09, 2018नेपालका आदिवासी जनजातिहरुको पहिचान र सूचनालाई शसक्त बनाउन मातृभाषाको पत्रकारितालाई…
10 May, 201824 05, 2018